The Finnish Thermal Energy Research Association is a non-profit organization striving to advance research in the field of thermal energy production.
Welcome to the webpage of the Finnish Thermal Energy Research Association. On our webpage, you will find information on how to become a member of the Finnish Thermal Energy Research Association, the benefits of joining our association, our member organizations, and the current board members. Furthermore, a collection of material from our previously organized events can be found on the web pages as well.
The Finnish Thermal Energy Research Association is a non-profit organization that strives to promote and bring forward current research topics connected to the field of thermal energy production. Our regularly organized meetings provide a platform for valuable scientific exchange between all members. FTERA also keeps close contact with colleagues from abroad with special focus on the Nordic countries.
Our Goals
One of our main goals as an organization is to support young researchers early in their careers. In the future, we hope to be able to provide funding for Master theses on hot topics in the field of thermal energy research. Furthermore, the best master thesis within the field of thermal energy research is honoured by the annually conferred “Finnish Thermal Energy Award”.